Friday, January 18, 2013

It's Ocean Week!

Monday, January 14th - Friday, January 18th

I have to catch up on posts this week because I had little time to sit down and actually create this blog.  I am now ready to create posts each day, but for the lapsed week, I am going to make a few lengthy posts.

This week our classroom began an Ocean unit.  What a great unit to start off my special education classroom experience!  As an Art teacher, I was informally put in charge of generating hands-on projects that the children could work on.  Here are some of the pictures from the week that I hope you will enjoy!

The second bulletin board I put together for the classroom.  This board states, "Come and "Sea" Our Ocean Creatures"!  This was a lot of fun to create.  The students worked on an artwork a day which included: octopus, jellyfish, crabs, fish, and turtles.  I have seen the students come over to the board and look for minutes at a time.  I think that they are really proud of their work.  It is a very colorful display.  The top right fish that is on paper is an integrated project our Speech teacher completed with the class.  I wanted to include it as an example of our learning this week.  
I think the top two projects for the students were the jellyfish and the octopus works.  For the "jellies" I brought in snack size ziplock bags and blue hair gel along with ribbon, crepe paper, and strips cut from  a plastic bag.  We filled the bags and the students had a fun time pushing and smoothing the gel inside (first taping the open end shut before handing them over)  Next we used tape and stuck the tentacles on.  The students also had fun blowing, and manipulating the strands with their hands.  The octopus work was a lot easier to generate with wiggly eyes, paper, paint dabbers, glue, pink bubble wrap, and scissors for supplies.  We used the bubble wrap for the suction portion of the octopus arms.

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