Sunday, February 17, 2013

100th Day of School

Here are two photos of a craft we created on our 100th day of school!

Valentine's Day

So excited to celebrate Valentine's Day this past week!

I purchased several tissue boxes for the students to decorate...which was so much fun!

We also completed several other crafts inspired by Valentine's Day this week.  Our students do really well with the paint daubers...they really enjoy working with them.

We experimented with markers and shaving cream.  We had the students color in hearts using Crayola markers.  Next, we applied shaving cream to their pictures and encouraged them to rub and spread the cream around the paper resulting in a pastel-like image.

These door hangers were an inexpensive craft that keep our students busy!  They really enjoy peeling the backs off of foam shapes!

We have several students who love to use scissors and glue sticks.  We created cut paper collages with Valentine's Day colors!

We really enjoy this cut and paste activity.  We used similar printables during our Zoo Unit.

I also baked some yummy treats to send home with the students:

Valentine Sensory box: tinsel, paper hearts, red Easter grass, rose petals, and red manipulatives such as blocks and letters.

Here are some other activities I found that go along with Valentine's Day:

Cupid Cards

Conversation Hearts Math Game

Zoo Theme

These are some of the activities we completed during our Zoo Unit:

Our classroom bulletin board in the hallway sported a Missouri University chant, animals we created for craft time, and an animal cracker counting 
graph we completed during a Math lesson.

It was important to consider how we would be able to graph the crackers during this Math lesson.  Most all children love to eat we scanned the crackers and several copies of each animal.  In doing this, the students were able to select a cracker from a bag, discover which animal it was, graph a copied image, and still get to eat the cracker!  Success!

 Bird seed made for a great sensory unit.  This container has a small bag of seed and a small amount of Crisco which allowed the seed to stick together for molding and shaping.

A great Math printable from 2 Teaching Mommies: 

Another great sensory idea for this unit - plastic Easter grass and various animal toys.  We had a combination of plastic, rubber, and stuffed toys for the students to use at this center.

These peel and stick foam masks were great fun, both to make and to wear!  We especially enjoyed watching them look at themselves in the mirror while wearing the masks!

The same company made some fun foam visors too!

We couldn't complete our unit with out singing, "Five Little Monkeys" - like ten times =)!
The students created finger puppets to accompany the song!

"Five Little Monkeys" video clip:

Here are some of the videos we watched this week: